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his story with the priest performing a sort of marriage ceremony for Philo and Chico; a service which no priest would or could perform. The second criticism relates to the vignette in the January Issue, “A: Day of Firsts" It is a fine and powerful płac of writing but did Mr. Simpson find it necessary to be so unpleasantly descriptive e.g. "He had really got hot over that guy' body. ******* Anyone would get hot in that men's room, with the smell of urine and the way you could sit In the booths and see the men as they stood in front of the urinals"? It does not seem to me that either of these stories comes up to Mattachine standards. I hope you will accept my remarks in the spirit in which they are meant. I notice that a reader of ONE protests vigorously and, I think, justifiably in ONE's January issue about that story, "Joel Beck", which appeared in their November 1959 number. Perhaps ONE can afford that sort of story but I don't think our REVIEW can.—Mr. G. D., New York
REVIEW EDITOR: I know that items such as the story of the Indian dwarf in December and "A Day of Firsts" in January will draw protests from some people. But I for one want to go on record as saying hooray for being so brave and perceptive to print some of this kind of thing. To me it indicates that there are all kinds of aspects to sex and you are not afraid to look at them for what they are. While the Armell Larsen story, "When I Am With You," was actually harmless, it rankled some no doubt. But "A Day of Firsts" was stark, real, and even ugly as you said in introducing it. It is not a situation we are proud of in this world. How powerfully it told in a few words the high price we pay for perpetuating ignorance and the hypocrisy of our sex standards, for falling to give the young an insight into the real meaning of their own developing sexuality, and for piling up a load of guilt in people who may be just as natural as the next one, only different. I can remember when I was sixteen and had already known for three years that I was homosexual, but I didn't know anybody else who was, I made fun of the sissies, too. I knew a deadly homosexual attraction to others my age but never dared to show it. "A. Day of Firsts" shows me a lot of things. It means your staff has.recognized one of the most Important reasons why there should be a Mattachine REVIEW, because with adequate sex education for the young, such tragedies would not happen. Congratulations for Mr. Simpson's eloquent story and for your courage In facing the reality that we don't like to look at because it isn't clean and nice. —Mr. C. H., Kansas
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